(Type 1) (Type 2) (3 types)
To see whether this URL from a web page as is technically one. They compete with each other all the URLs and search engine crawlers consider all means different SERP position.
If you think the scenario is 100 sites, added a link on the homepage. 30 point type is one of the site's URL. 25-point type the URL 2. 45-point type the URL 3.
Now my website, which all point to a URL. If only the URL, all 100 pages to add to a common issue if I was you, you turn out to have lost the most backlinks can.
It is very easy solution to this problem is fine. To choose a common one URL (or both), URL and a URL of each other before all. Please use the URL to always 301 redirect transfer.

It any less interested in SEO campaign website a very simple method is to confirm the link is not.
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