1. Canonical - Canonical Issues to consider the issue of ensuring that there is a preferred choice or control of the default page (http:// or www) is. Three variations of the homepage is one of the reasons or html .. Default.htm PHP, programming platform, configuration of server (Unix or Windows) as well as static pages, depending on whether you or a content management system you are using http:// or https: / / www the need to strengthen your website in less powerful chips Avoid sharing your site.
2. Listing and frequency comb - look at the number of pages to track a set frequency tracking site. O If you have a home page that is crawled regularly and inside pages are ignored, it is often the result of the lack of internal or external links.
Sitemap You can request a folder by folder basis, a link to a footer site map of the maser (attached to the template of all Mini Sitemap) to increase the list of input-output . Legal form of a link page and the page ranking factors feed through the integration of various mistakenly Sitemap (an influence on levels below the drip site architecture).
3. Orphan Pages Orphan Pages and dead ends - to check to determine whether the pages are linked to ensure adequate tracking. Or if you have a page or subpages of a site that is linked to only a few in the folder, you may rank well in search engines that the page can not imagine. If you yourself do not "get it right keywords in body copy reference (by adding a support page), or primary or secondary navigation, you may not expect the search engine itself more than that reliability can pay with that page. Or in PDF format (which is related to their rank and sponge web at the flow may be tired).Ensure that PDF files absolute (full URL links back to your site is used), so no ranking factor pool and is where the rest of your site can benefit traps.
4. Dynamic URLs - if the pages are created dynamically, trying to erase or rewrite the URL as possible parameters, or URL / Mod Rewrite of use.
Whenever you have data or a session in the URL query string parameter or, less likely to listing.Especially if there are such conventions 55.aspx PID = 23D-? In the end, when a naming convention SEO friendly with a little programming can take its place as the. Value SEO without compromising functionality or the entire volume is lost, sub folders, categories, etc can be rewritten.
5. Naming Conventions - use the correct name (subject or keyword conventions first, then switch plural variations, the tag line.) O Here the goal title, description and naming conventions, but the essence is simple to use and more useful in a post. Any words using topical reinforce hierarchies based on a relevant forum for relevant keyword synonyms clustersand search engines understand the importance of co-occurrence matrix as a switch.
6. Management of Outbound Links - big pages (10 pages ranking in the top level that more factors need) for less than 50 outbound links per page link, try the top.
More links coming out of a page, the page elements or under rating factor as equity. The only case where there is a concern if the page itself is augmented by other strong internal pages or other sites is the strong incoming links from a page of links to the far left counter the influence bleeding.
7. Footer / cleverly in moderation one place to another range links join sections - use the links at footer.
O footer links still work (at the bottom of a page with text links that contain keywords 5-10), but also the intention that the content of the pages themselves to sufficiently different from other pages are not diffused. If a page in a more than 300 unique words on the page, navigation and other structures collapse and herpes bring code to offset all or pages sole and optimal diffusion of coherence may lose relevance.
O For example, if you have a page that is only a paragraph or two that you ranked for specific keywords for the hope of the page, your only interest for web browsing is Trump. Search Text view cached pages to see how search engines without their code and style sheets or java script to view its contents.
O footer links to pages containing little that can help achieve balance, but on pages with enough content for use in its season contribution.
8. Broken Links - Link broken links which may be a bleeding flow within a site and verify that the weak. Or a broken link problems with search engines, and can not connect the dots to the ranking of the sites are suffering. If you are using WordPress our last pluginSEO monitor a 404 to find broken links and site to which you can remove features sweeps.
9. ALT attributes in images - Use ALT attributes of images while protecting the integrity of content to provide internal links to the rating factor.
The images using the text attribute "alt" on page O-material to strengthen the current level of importance to improve the relevance of a page allows.
10. Anchor Text - Optimize proper use of anchor text and add more pages of a waste site links alternative there is no equity. Anchor Text or optimizing the use of keywords related with links to relevant pages within a site.Just me and you know they are virtual theming (which co-occurrence of keywords by means of secondary navigation making important first). Or the only competitors in each thin layer can distinguish my site rankings for a site of integration of the factors. This is only one reason why Wikipedia dominating search results, is due to the virtual theming.
11. Flat site - site architecture architecture as possible to maintain or use tracking information architecture and support as much as bread crumbs.
Avoid O / ay more descriptive naming conventions for domain.com / site URL using electronics and flat black sports watch vs / page.html / color categories or products subfolders within a web site domain. com. HTML
Closer to the more competitive keywords are the landing pages or root folder is easier for them to rank additional factor classification in the page and the page number to the page content would be to express to win.
12. Volume of content - Ensure sufficient to overthrow a content keyword competition.
With a handful of ingredients for 5 million pages competing with the intent to qualify for a keyword is an exercise in futility o. Are you the topic relevant to the articles, posts or pages, all internal links and keywords on the signs of the page should be appropriately integrated.
Or for each keyword relevance and there is a turning point threshold, you get to the page with more prosperity even pages (link to review other officials), offset by the contestants will be required. However, in both cases, the content is a necessity.
13. Relevant Links - Links related to the document relevant landing pages through virtual theming to pick favorites.
Or premise is simple, if you have a page on the engine, and a keyword appears Pistons, Detroit Pistons keyword link on the page. Everybody (only do this once per page for the keyword you more) of your keywords and you just added a virtual item appears. This means that each page can now work collectively, the parents (the subject of the main root and support the keyword).
14. For larger sites, meta - tags, meta descriptions, but for smaller sites, an additional or alternative space for the title and keywords meta data use. Always use a title or brief and relevant, but if you have several pages on a topic, then decide what keywords the search engine from the page fragment / meta description, other more visible and relevant.
O Also make sure that you describe as a defect or content management is common for all pages, titles do not share a common goal, using the system. The sharp down to the lack (of character, how to shoot ranking site).
15. Deep Links - At least 5 to 10 other sites linked to by the rebound to build inbound links for each page gets them.
O site without links is a page or a page of other sites that have little value to readers and search engines. Terms of popularity and millions of website owners who may not know or simply May, if you have deep links to a page if you think the standard normal to want more than one page.
A deep (links to pages other than the home page full of links to websites) to classify the individual pages for many keywords or start to appear. Not only to create a more robust user experience, but their classification for the dependence of an object or a home page is not linked to the usual way. Here take at least 5-10 per page (minimum gain traction on the page) Otherwise, the page is the preferred destination of internal link and deep link is expected to receive the inbound links found.
16. Based Keywords - A page with links to multiple anchors (build keyword derivatives) and "perfect" to match keywords, as well as to update the position. How each page of your website deals with the habits of interior and exterior coating can be controlled by o. care. This post titled "How to Create SEO including the ranking of this procedure is a breakdown masterful.
17. RSS Syndication - a site set up multiple RSS feeds to syndicate your content inside of backlinks from other sites to attract natural.
Or just an RSS campaign proper link to your website can build enough. A strategy for content development and release time with the current content, increasing traffic and the domain only for the most competitive vertical markets produce relevance ranking and authority may lead. This SEO mail, RSS and syndication strategy for the power of SEO techniques and offers RSS feeds and RSS aggregation.
18. Trust - old pages rank landing pages related to new or subfolders or subdomains can spend with confidence. For your own site ranking factors look no further.
You rank search results with the confidence to pass or wait for months due to fresh material could save. Here is a post that shows you to identify and links to relevant pages from the old to the new message classification and more importantly, is to increase confidence. This increase and the new method in the page SEO landing page for each page is designed to strengthen the rating factors.
19. Sitemap - Sitemap to unite not only the site but also adds them to an irrigation system through a path of pages of nutrition as well.
Or Here are some other helpful tips using SEO sitemap can also use to improve the classification.
20. Abuse in the past despite sub - domains, subdomains, they still work. If your site is sagging under the weight of its own Oh, a subdomain of the site with timely content to block a new section to highlight a keyword or overthrow vertical competition. Or search engines and paid special attention to the keywords of the direction in which you could not always the best of a bad situation, sometimes you make a relevant keyword rich subdomain islands use their existing website to increase the pertinence create a new concept. O Here is a post on SEO, subdomains, or subfolders of the best. The choice is ultimately up to you, or even a combination of both is at all relevant use. Site architecture in tandem with content links, and the conversion should work. Only pieces of the puzzle are all integrated.
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